Friday, May 31, 2013

Facts about Leo Virgo Cusp

 Leo Virgo Cusp

August 21 to August 28

Leo Virgo cusp combination is also known as the Cusp of Exposure

Individuals born on the cusp of Leo (the fifth Sign of the Zodiac) and Virgo (the sixth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both the Sun and the Planet Mercury. The attributes of these two combined Signs result in a good-natured disposition and natives who are inclined to take life easy, being well-satisfied with both themselves and their station in life.

Here, there is an interesting blend of the introvert and the extrovert...a mix of the practical and earthy qualities afforded by Virgo coupled with the more intuitive and fiery traits of Leo. The end result is often a quietly inspired individual who keeps his or her light within.

Below are brief personalities of individuals born of Leo Virgo cusp

  • Possess the fiery, energetic and aggressive traits inherent in Leo
  • Possess the rational and meticulous traits inherent in Virgo
  • Tend to be highly secretive
  • Able to accurately determine the right time to do something
  • Experts at the art of effect
  • More discriminating than most individuals
  • Less overtly sensual than most individuals
  • Reluctant to allow others to share in personal feelings
Some of these cuspians emit a muted or even nondescript first impression which often conceals a far more flamboyant tendency. Others come across as exhibitionists, but are really sensitive and private individuals.

There is a tendency here to hide certain personal qualities or facts...possibly for years. Nevertheless, the inner flamboyance is apt to emerge periodically in even the most introverted of these cuspians and during such occasions, they will reveal themselves to the world, totally aware of what they are doing.

Leo/Virgo natives born into unremarkable surroundings...or at the bottom of the social ladder...can sometimes be late starters in the struggle to move up in the world. Even when such ascension is initiated, it is only through tremendous tenacity and willpower that they can maintain momentum.

It is characteristic of these individuals not to reveal the truth about themselves or make grand displays of their real inner feelings until they attain their goals, whether such goals be social or professional.
Indeed, it may well be that this desire to divulge can be the fuel which powers the drive toward a goal, since those who reach the top and have carried lifelong secrets are prone to be found out...and usually through their own statements and behavior.

The greatest strength of Leo/Virgo cuspians is probably to be found in their creativity, attention to detail and inherent desire to be of service. They will pick up on the "little things" that others most likely miss, and thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems are second nature to those who fall under the influence of this cusp combination.

In addition, the commitment of these natives to help others makes them one of the most giving characters to be found in the Zodiac. The most important lesson to be learned by Leo/Virgo natives is to curb the desire for display and smug self-satisfaction.

As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Pisces/Aries and Taurus/Gemini combinations.

Notable Leo/Virgo Cuspians Include:

Bill Clinton; Coco Chanel; H.P. Lovecraft; Wilt Chamberlain; River Phoenix; and Princess Margaret Rose of England

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating.
    When in April were you born? :)
