Friday, May 31, 2013

Facts about Leo Virgo Cusp

 Leo Virgo Cusp

August 21 to August 28

Leo Virgo cusp combination is also known as the Cusp of Exposure

Individuals born on the cusp of Leo (the fifth Sign of the Zodiac) and Virgo (the sixth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both the Sun and the Planet Mercury. The attributes of these two combined Signs result in a good-natured disposition and natives who are inclined to take life easy, being well-satisfied with both themselves and their station in life.

Here, there is an interesting blend of the introvert and the extrovert...a mix of the practical and earthy qualities afforded by Virgo coupled with the more intuitive and fiery traits of Leo. The end result is often a quietly inspired individual who keeps his or her light within.

Below are brief personalities of individuals born of Leo Virgo cusp

  • Possess the fiery, energetic and aggressive traits inherent in Leo
  • Possess the rational and meticulous traits inherent in Virgo
  • Tend to be highly secretive
  • Able to accurately determine the right time to do something
  • Experts at the art of effect
  • More discriminating than most individuals
  • Less overtly sensual than most individuals
  • Reluctant to allow others to share in personal feelings
Some of these cuspians emit a muted or even nondescript first impression which often conceals a far more flamboyant tendency. Others come across as exhibitionists, but are really sensitive and private individuals.

There is a tendency here to hide certain personal qualities or facts...possibly for years. Nevertheless, the inner flamboyance is apt to emerge periodically in even the most introverted of these cuspians and during such occasions, they will reveal themselves to the world, totally aware of what they are doing.

Leo/Virgo natives born into unremarkable surroundings...or at the bottom of the social ladder...can sometimes be late starters in the struggle to move up in the world. Even when such ascension is initiated, it is only through tremendous tenacity and willpower that they can maintain momentum.

It is characteristic of these individuals not to reveal the truth about themselves or make grand displays of their real inner feelings until they attain their goals, whether such goals be social or professional.
Indeed, it may well be that this desire to divulge can be the fuel which powers the drive toward a goal, since those who reach the top and have carried lifelong secrets are prone to be found out...and usually through their own statements and behavior.

The greatest strength of Leo/Virgo cuspians is probably to be found in their creativity, attention to detail and inherent desire to be of service. They will pick up on the "little things" that others most likely miss, and thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems are second nature to those who fall under the influence of this cusp combination.

In addition, the commitment of these natives to help others makes them one of the most giving characters to be found in the Zodiac. The most important lesson to be learned by Leo/Virgo natives is to curb the desire for display and smug self-satisfaction.

As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Pisces/Aries and Taurus/Gemini combinations.

Notable Leo/Virgo Cuspians Include:

Bill Clinton; Coco Chanel; H.P. Lovecraft; Wilt Chamberlain; River Phoenix; and Princess Margaret Rose of England

Facts about Cancer Leo Cusp

Cancer Leo Cusp

July 22 to July 29

Cancer Leo cusp combination is also known as the Cusp of Oscillation. 

Of all twelve cusps, these natives most clearly display the split influences of two adjacent Signs almost opposite in their orientations. Here, traditionally feminine orientations (associated with the Moon) and traditionally masculine orientations (associated with the Sun) are combined equally in one single personality.

Here are brief personalities of individuals born of Cancer Leo cusp:

  • Possess the inward and sensitive traits inherent in Cancer
  • Possess the outward and fiery traits inherent in Leo
  • Tend to have rather volatile personalities
  • Prone to movement...both physically and emotionally
  • Life is prone to be focused on strength and grace
  • Often lacking in self-discipline
  • Apt to dwell on the past
  • Need to learn to live for the moment
  • Vibrant and energetic

Generally, it is difficult (if not impossible) to push Cancer/Leo subjects from one psychological state into another due to the fact that they are resistant to emotional manipulation.

The water element of Cancer results in these natives tending to respond through emotion, while the fire element of Leo provides a more physical aspect to the character, coupled with a tendency to respond to the world by way of action.

Thus, these cuspians are normally quite intuitive and will leap headfirst into life, refusing to fret over whether their latest goal is realistic or practical. However, should the situation happen to require drama or courage, and then these subjects most certainly possess great abundance.

"Creativity" is one of the keywords attributed to these subjects and their caring nature ensures that the benefits of their imaginative powers will help others. Although they may not necessarily be suited to the position of leadership, they are efficient and their application to the task at hand is admirable.

These natives also know how to delegate authority and work within a team environment. They usually prefer to be in the "thick of battle" rather than be found "sitting on the sidelines," and those who can work with these natives as true associates and partners are often able to share in such experiences, thus penetrating deeply into this cuspian's heart and mind.

Cancer/Leo natives set high goals for themselves. They are great thinkers and possess magnificent memories. By nature, these are immensely sympathetic souls...particularly to those in distress and will contribute freely and lavishly toward relief.

Loyalty to friends is yet another admirable trait associated with this cusp combination.

The most important lesson to be learned by Cancer/Leo natives is that they need to work with people who are not only highly competent and can carry their own share of the load, but that such people are able to understand these cuspians on a personal level.

It is also necessary for them to learn self-discipline and try not to concentrate overly much on the past...instead, living for the present. Additionally, these natives should note that it is essential for their blood and digestive organs to be well-toned.

As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Libra/Scorpio and Capricorn/Aquarius combinations.

Notable Cancer/Leo Cuspians Include:

Sir Edmund Hilary; Ernest Hemingway; Alexander the Great; Amelia Earhart; and Walter Payton

All about Leo Cusp

Leo Cusp

Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature. Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign.

While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day; the new Sign is in complete control.

Here are two cusps associated to Leo:

  1. Cancer Leo Cusp for individual born approximately from July 22 to July 29

  1. Leo Virgo Cusp for individuals born approximately from August 21 to August 28

Brief Personalities of Leo Cusp:

Cancer Leo Cusp                                                                                                            

July 22 to July 29

Individuals born on the cusp of Cancer (the fourth Sign of the Zodiac) and Leo (the fifth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both the Sun and the Moon.

These cuspians are witty, ambitious and sometimes, extremely unscrupulous. Indeed, this particular cusp combination frequently produces the most corrupt of politicians who attain eminence.

These natives are experts at appealing to the various vulnerable points of their associates and the inherent daring ambition provides the power of securing for themselves the preferment and advancement to which they aspire, even though better individuals may, of necessity, be sacrificed to their progress.

Nonetheless, Cancer/Leo subjects will nurture the family group and take pride in the warm hospitality they invariably provide.

Leo Virgo Cusp                                                         

August 21 to August 28

Individuals born on the cusp of Leo (the fifth Sign of the Zodiac) and Virgo (the sixth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both the Sun and the Planet Mercury.
The attributes of these two combined Signs result in a good-natured disposition and natives who are inclined to take life easy, being well-satisfied with both themselves and their station in life.

These cuspians make for good neighbors who would never dream of meddling in the affair of others. Usually highly intelligent, Leo/Virgo subjects are methodical and inclined to be hard-workers.

Indeed, this particular cusp combination has produced some exceedingly successful physicians and teachers.

Positive and Negative Characteristics of Leo Woman

 Characteristics of Leo Woman

Leo woman is plainly an incurable romantic, forever in love with love...but such love must include affection. Personally magnetic, she has no problem in attracting potential mates...and if any mate should become jealous of her many admirers, it would be best to not let it show.

This is because the Leo woman believes, on some level, that she is entitled to as many compliments as others are willing to shower upon her.

Altogether fascinating, this female is something of an ambitious golden girl who likes to be free and independent...until her heart has been won and then, she is self-sacrificial in her giving.

Here are positive and negative characteristics of female Leo:

Positive Characteristics of  Leo Woman

  • Affectionate, kindhearted and sincere, women governed by Leo have a deep love of children and make for excellent mothers who adore their homes...but when it comes to being domestic, they prefer being served rather than serving as mistress of the castle.
  • Being involved with a female ruled by Leo will certainly enhance any mate's skills at courting and seduction...provided such mate possesses sufficient wisdom and stamina to survive the course.
  • The Leo female possesses a flair for the dramatic and clearly has little use for the routine and ordinary. She tends to act as though she is always on stage, basking in the spotlight so everyone who is anyone is sure to be aware of her presence.

Negative Characteristics of Leo Woman

  • This is a female who likes to be admired, but cannot abide a mate to chastise her for simply doing what comes naturally. Although she may appear to want to be won, it will be necessary for any potential partner to allow this woman to do the winning.
  • She may want to be head of the house and at times, behave in a totally unreasonable fashion in order to get her own way. Still, she will listen to reason if her good heart and generosity are appealed to.
  • If an individual would achieve true happiness with this woman, it will be necessary to display pride at her many accomplishments...and be proud of her on a personal level. She requires virtually constant flattery and devotion.

How to Handle Leo Woman

  • Never ever must she be castigated or criticized in do so mark the certain kiss of death for the relationship.
  • Similarly, a partner must never try to deceive this woman in any way whatsoever. She possesses a high degree of honor that should never be trifled with...and should she find any mate unfaithful, then that mate is doomed to spend much time in the doghouse.
  • For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any potential mate to be gallant, courteous and chivalrous.
Proud and domineering from time-to-time, it would not be wise to allow this woman to constantly get her own way. She desires a partner who is ambitious and well-respected in society...and she prefers traditional conformity.

Romantic, but often shy of displaying as much, the Leo female can be won with true old-fashioned love and chivalry.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Here are Positive and Negative Traits of a Leo Woman

Traits of Leo Woman

Leo woman is usually blessed with an almost stately appearance and can achieve great elegance...although she is not necessarily interested in clothes as articles of fashion. This female possesses a rather regal air, a sympathetic disposition and excellent social qualities.

As a sweetheart, this is a female who is proud, hard-to-get and expects much from any partner. As a long-term mate, she has the ability to be self-sacrificing and totally unselfish. As a mother, she tends to be overly conscientious on occasion, expecting the usual high standards from her children. 
Regardless, Leo woman will never lack for love or affection.

Here are other positive and negative traits of a Leo woman:

Positive Traits of a Leo Woman

  • With her aristocratic point of view and social graces, the female governed by Leo is a magnificent manager who is capable of running an elaborate home. She tends to attract people to her and commands an immense amount of respect.
  • Women ruled by Leo are truly the most loyal souls, whose entire lives are lived courtesy of their deeply emotional natures. This is a passionate, enduring and self-ascribing female who gives and feels and bestows and blesses.
  • She will lavish attention upon her loved ones with an attitude that is lush and generous in the extreme.

Negative Traits of a Leo Woman

  • Because this female has such high standards in so many spheres of life, other people rarely meet her expectations.
  • The Leo woman can show love, forgiveness and kindness to complete strangers or mere acquaintances and yet, may be critical and almost harsh to her loved ones if she feels they have failed her in some way.
  • The woman ruled by Leo is a passionate soul who can easily be loyal and loving when in a secure relationship where she feels she is loved. However, she can become vindictive or bitter when she is scorned.

Still, this is not usually a source of worry to her unless the individual concerned is one with whom she is intimately involved. 

There is no doubt that the Leo woman expects a great deal of her family, but she is also prepared to give of her utmost in return.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Facts about Leo Lucky Number

Leo Lucky Number

Leo lucky number is one (also known as the Monad or God of All Numbers). One is masculine in nature and, when associated with Leo, resides in the Fifth House of Creative Expression and Social Popularity...the House of the Heart.

One is also associated with the Sun (Leo’s ruling “Planet”) one is the number of Divine Purpose, the number of Creation and the number of Unity. One is the beginning of all counting and the root of solitary forces. It is the symbol of identity, harmony and conservation, having no parts and being individual by nature.

The number one is rarely found in Northern mythological and runic references, although it does contain the first rune of all three Aetts, therefore making it a positive principle in theory.

Other mystical qualities of one (Leo’s lucky number)

One remains constantly stable and is the immutable number, the same until infinity. To the Greeks, this number represented Khaos, the primeval state of the universe prior to the separation into positive and negative.

One is representative of the beginning and the end, as well as being the symbol of Homo erectus, the only species to walk upright. This number may be found in images of standing stones and the upright staff.

In mathematical terms, if a number is multiplied by itself, the product is always a larger number and the square of a number is always greater than the sum of its addition to itself. However, in the case of one, the result of multiplying itself by itself is smaller than the result of adding it to itself.

One multiplied by one will always remain one, whereas when it is added to itself, it becomes two. Thus, by itself, one is not conscious of itself, but by mirroring in the other...the two...and the experience of duality, one does become conscious of itself.  Therefore, this number is symbolic of the state of wholeness, but is unaware of itself and possesses enormous inner potential to strive for realization.

The colors associated with the number one are all those within the yellow, orange and brown families. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being fire and its associated gems being rubies, topaz, yellow diamonds and amber.

What month is Leo?

Leo Profile FAQs

What month is Leo? 

The answer goes like this; in tropical astrology, the Sun is considered to be in the sign Leo from July 23 to August 22, and in sidereal astrology, from August 16 to September 15.

As of 2002[update], the Sun appeared in the constellation Leo from August 10 to September 15.

What is the astrological symbol for Leo?

Leo Profile FAQs

What is the astrological symbol for Leo? 

The astrological symbol of Leo is linked to the mane of a lion, or its tail.

Yet other interpretations of the astrological symbol of Leo are that it is representative of the "serpent power" or creative force of the body in its coiled or dormant form, or that it symbolizes the heat or creative energy of the Sun, the celestial body which governs this Zodiac Sign.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

See Detailed Leo Love Match

Leo Love Match

Leo love match can be seen by matching the planetary influences of the Zodiac Signs. Sometimes the strengths and weakness of some Zodiac Signs may prove complimentary.  While in many cases, character traits of most zodiac signs are not compatible for a Leo native……and may prove to be unwholesome to mutual relationship.

Hence, as a Leo you will be forewarned if there are points of serious clash of interest and aptitudes. Here are Leo love match with the twelve Zodiac Signs:

Leo Match with Aries

Leo Aries relationship will never be anything less than exciting. Despite their sometimes noisy differences, Aries often looks to Leo as a guide or counselor and any divergences between this pair can be overcome. Both Aries and Leo are normally respected by others and it will be vital that such respect also exist within the confines of this relationship.

Between the two of them, if at least one loves and tactful with the other...meeting emotional needs...then this could be a happy union of some longevity.

Leo Match with Taurus

Because there is so much mutual admiration between this pair, an infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted and could very well lead to a commitment of some longevity. At times, the Taurus partner may feel that Leo is too sure of his or her standing and in fact, Leo may take the Taurus native for granted.

Battles between these two could be epic in proportion.

Leo Match with Gemini

Those governed by Gemini have the strength and adaptability to allow Leo to have his or her own way much of the time since the probing manner of Gemini soon finds that Leo is not only sincere, but that the over-demanding manner is designed to ensure that what is best for both partners is accomplished.

This couple shares an ability to adapt to each other's moods and ways, making for a very good union...either because of the challenges it offers or in spite of them.

Leo Match with Cancer

The Leo individual will doubtless experience much trouble in breaking through the protective shell of Cancer, since those governed by that Sign prefer to hide their feelings inside, showing the world a very different image with every indication that they are thicker skinned than they truly are.

However, with persistence, Leo will eventually breach the barrier and discover a very sensitive person whose feelings are easily damaged.

Leo Match with Leo

Leo individuals are renowned for their strong and dominating character traits. Here, the Leo/Leo combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far.

Still, it is in the Leo nature to love with his or her entire heart and this trait alone could go a long way in overcoming some of the more negative aspects of this union. In addition, the shared love of flamboyance could result in a home that is a showplace for friends and family to admire.

Leo Match with Virgo

Initially, this couple may overlook common interests and believe they have nothing to gain from one another. Yet, this is a relationship that could evolve over time, with each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. Leo is by nature extroverted, dominant and charismatic, but often cursed with a very short fuse. Virgo is inherently studious and withdrawn, blessed with far more versatility than Leo.

Although there are obvious differences, this pair can sometimes make for a rather wonderful love match, provided each mate can warm to the other's unfamiliar style

Leo Match with Libra

On the surface, the Leo/Libra partnership promises to be an agreeable one since these two Signs are situated apart in the Zodiac. There will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other and if Leo's unbounded energy can blend favorably with Libra's natural sense of harmony, the end result could be one of great balance.

The Leo approach to an intimate relationship could be one that is direct and straightforward and, with a different partner, might enter the realm of fantasy. With Libra, however, his or her physical desires are unlikely to be expressed to the fullest extent due to the many hours spent arguing and bickering.

Leo Match with Scorpio

The Leo/Scorpio relationship tends to result in a dynamic and intense union, with each partner normally being well-tuned to the needs of the other. Scorpio demands respect and harbors a deep desire to be wanted, while Leo needs adoration and has to be constantly complimented. Both individuals are extremely loyal and often possessive of one another.

Since both Leo and Scorpio are so determined, this couple will need to work very hard in order to understand and accept one another.

Leo Match with Sagittarius

The Leo/Sagittarius match often results in fireworks. Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest extent. This is an energetic pair who is fun to be around, with each individual encouraging the other to aim high. Plus, these two have a genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both individuals are warm, charismatic and charming.

Leo and Sagittarius tend to be well respected by those around them and it is vital that each remembers to also treat the other with the utmost respect.

Leo Match with Capricorn

On the surface, this appears to be a rather unlikely couple, but love can grow if time is taken to unearth the similarities between these two Signs. Both enjoy comfort, being pampered and working toward their personally set goals. Both also relish the spotlight and harbor a fondness for material possessions. However, while Leo can be outrageous, Capricorn tends to be more classical.

These are two very determined Signs and with a little careful attention, the Leo/Capricorn couple can sympathize with each other and eventually come to realize that they have much to learn from one another.

Lets take look at Libra and Leo Love Match

Leo and Libra Compatibility

Both Libra and Leo possess exceptionally warm characters, but the compatibility for a favorable union between these two simply seems to be lacking. Leo enjoys a good fight and an arguing match serves to clear the air for those governed by this Sign, but does little (if anything) to thrill the soul of the peace-loving and harmonious Libra.

Here, any attempts to discuss differences in a calm fashion will undoubtedly be met by the fiery temper of Leo...something the Libra individual finds ugly, unbalanced and uncongenial.

However, there will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other and if Leo's unbounded energy can blend favorably with Libra's natural sense of harmony, the end result could be one of great balance. 

Here are various Zodiac influences in Libra and Leo love match:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Libra is ruled by the planet Venus.

Generally, the Sun and Venus go well together. The Sun is a masculine energy and Venus is a feminine one. Thus, this partnership is capable of striking a balance between energies. Venus is concerned with the beauty of romance and the Sun with invigorating, life-spreading warmth.

Hence, if this couple can sustain, they will remain together for a long time.

Influence of the Zodiac Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Libra is governed by the element of Air.

All about Leo Man Leo Woman Compatibility

Leo Man and Leo Woman Compatibility 

Without doubt, Leo man Leo woman pairing will draw a great deal of attention and much notice. Two such stunning, creative and gregarious individuals appear to deserve each other to such a degree that those around them may actually hold their breath at the glorious sight.

In terms of socializing, heading a group or even inspiring others in the ways of romance, Leo man Leo woman compatibility is an unbeatable combination. Initially, each partner was probably instantly attracted to the good looks of the other and neither would have been shy in manifesting their desires.

However, it is this passion and domination that each mate must learn to tame in order to remain compatible. 

Here are notable positive and negative features of Leo man Leo woman compatibility:

Positive Features of Leo Man Leo Woman Compatibility

Great lovers of pleasure

The Leo man Leo woman relationship overflows with the energy and enthusiasm typified by a pair of natural born leaders. They enjoy the finer things life has to offer and this couple would never think twice about showing each other a good time.

Both shared love of flamboyance

The shared love of flamboyance that exists between Leo man and Leo woman could result in a home that is a showplace for friends and family to admire.

Both enjoy the romantically physical side of a relationship

Leo thoroughly enjoys the romantically physical side of a relationship, so there should be no problem in that area, as long as such could not develop into an overactive life of intimacy that could branch out into a rather perverse that may become totally devoid of love unless kept in check and confined within boundaries.

Both possess great wealth of creativity

Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo man Leo woman match is the amazing fun-loving capacity the two shares, coupled with their wealth of creativity. Socializing, entertaining and amusing one another can make this union something of a knock-out under favorable circumstances.

Negative Features of Leo Man Leo Woman Compatibility

Both possess strong and dominating character traits.
Leo individuals are renowned for their strong and dominating character traits. Here, the Leo man Leo woman combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far

Both are Career oriented

Career is important to a Leo native, which could result in much competition between these two...particularly in the male female pairing since Leo males prefer women to be traditionally feminine and would view such ambition as somewhat unnatural.

Facts about Leo and Aquarius Love Match

Leo and Aquarius Compatibility

The best chance for longevity in Leo and Taurus love match is probably founded on unending mutual admiration. Leo will admire the individualism, vision and creative characteristics of Aquarius, while Aquarius will admire the zeal, charm and dignity of Leo.

The physically romantic aspect of Leo and Aquarius relationship is likely to be rather unsatisfying, particularly for Leo since the Aquarius mate can...and will...undoubtedly find others who capture his or her interests. The Leo individual will certainly find this to be frustrating and cause him or her to believe that Aquarius is essentially inhuman and uncaring.

However, if the Aquarius partner is of the more evolved form, then the Leo and Aquarius union could be satisfying and long-lasting. 

Here are various Zodiac influences we have to consider in Leo and Aquarius love match:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Aquarius is ruled by the Planet Uranus with a secondary influence courtesy of Saturn (the Planet that governed Aquarius prior to the discovery of Uranus).

Together, these three celestial bodies form a type of cycle that is indicative of the Leo and Aquarius love match. Uranus is concerned with new ideas and creativity. The Sun provides life and an identity to collective ideas, while Saturn ensures that the process will brought to completion, capable of following up after the inspiration of Uranus has been exhausted and the energy of the Sun has moved on to new things.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Aquarius is governed by the element of Air.

Air has the ability to fuel Fire and thus, maintain its warmth and light. Hence, not only can Aquarius keep pace with the motion and fireball of energy that is associated with Leo, but can also add special effects. Together, this pair can soar to astounding heights. Aquarius is able to utilize intellect to inspire the Leo ambition and provide new ideas that can be put into practice. Leo finds this very stimulating.

Facts about Leo Virgo Relationships

Leo and Virgo Compatibility

Leo and Virgo relationships have a fair chance at achieving longevity. However, in order for this to be achieved, Leo will need to overlook the Virgo tendency to be critical and the Virgo partner will have to take pride in the accomplishments of Leo.

Initially, this couple may overlook common interests and believe they have nothing to gain from one another. 
Yet, this is a relationship that could evolve over time, with each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. 

Here are various Zodiac influences that affect Leo Virgo relationships

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury.

The Sun emanates light and heat, waiting for others to gather around so the gifts of their presence can be accepted. However, Virgo reaches out to others and works through all the details prior to committing to a determined goal. Both Signs need to take the time to see the value of the other's approach.

Thus, in Leo Virgo relationships, Leo has the ability to teach Virgo how to be less critical and more spontaneous, whereas Leo can gain stability from Virgo's even keel.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Virgo is governed by the element of Earth.

Leo natives begin new projects without stopping to consider their motivation. Virgo adopts a more practical approach. Those ruled by Virgo are concerned with the outcome of their efforts...Leo individuals simply pursue what they want with no thought for the consequences.

Influence of the Zodiac Qualities

Leo is Fixed in quality and Virgo is Mutable.

Virgo subjects like to spend time working hard and spreading themselves over many different areas. Conversely, Leo enjoys taking charge and/or managing a project where roles can be assigned to other participants. Still, the absence of "who's who" in this relationship will likely help these two to avoid unpleasant character evaluations.

Perhaps the best aspect of Leo Virgo relationships is their effectiveness as a couple, both metaphorically and literally. Leo commands attention and respect by showing others what this pair is made of socially and by following through on new ideas motivated only by way of fun and excitement. Virgo will work very hard behind the scenes, scheduling appointments and following up on details in which the Leo partner has lost interest.

Thus, although the two personalities here are opposite in many ways, they can make for a rather complementary union...provided both are willing to invest the time to make it work.

The truth about Leo and Cancer Love Match

Leo and Cancer Compatibility

Leo and Cancer love match is usually very good. Leo's huge heart will soon forgive the moody outbursts that Cancer can display from time-to-time. 

Thus, the Cancer partner will feel a little more at ease around Leo and probably allow his or her Leo mate to run things...or at least let him or her think he or she is in charge.

In return, Leo will appreciate the attention of the Cancer partner and this relationship can easily achieve longevity as long as Cancer can dismiss the feeling of neglect that is sure to surface on occasion while Leo is out running the world.

Here are Zodiac influences in Leo and Cancer love match:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

The Sun is concerned with ego and self...radiating warmth and light...and vibrant Leo indeed radiates this type of energy and enthusiasm. The Moon is related to nurturing...concerned with creating and maintaining emotional connections. These combinations of masculine and feminine energies are why the Sun and the Moon adore and sustain one another as they do so.

Thus, in Leo and Cancer love match, as long as these two individuals are mindful of their inherent differences, the affair can be a positive one.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Cancer is governed by the element of Water.

Leo natives strive with ardent energy toward praise and appreciation. Natives of Cancer yearn for security and stability. Both Signs like to take charge, but they approach the leadership role from vastly different directions. A multitude of disputes are liable to arise from these differences.

Still, as long as Leo and Cancer never take their relationship for granted...and provided they reassure each other in practical and romantic ways that the union is important...they can generally find a rather happy medium.

Influence of the Zodiac Qualities

Leo is Fixed in quality and Cancer is Cardinal.

Although each partner may commit to a relationship on an emotional level, each can continue to follow his or her natural instincts while remaining totally devoted to one another. However, if the love intentions have not been made clear, then this pair may find themselves on an endless and emotional roller coaster ride.

Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo Cancer love match is the mutual commitment to a sincere relationship. Together, this couple can share a supportive, positive and healthy partnership.

All about Leo Aries Relationship

Leo and Aries Compatibility

Leo Aries relationship can be a great match. The romantic interludes will be magnificent with little if any infidelity since each finds in the other what he or she needs. Leo natives like aggressive tendencies in others and aggression is part and parcel of the Aries character.

Here, there are many similarities in the romantic arena, which can be one of the most important things that will keep this pair true to commitments.

Between the two of them, if at least one loves and tactful with the other...meeting emotional needs...then this could be a happy union of some longevity. 

Here are Zodiac influences on Leo Aries relationship:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Aries is ruled by the planet Mars.

This is a good combination. These two individuals understand each other because they are coming from the same place. Mars is associated with aggressive energy and the Sun is associated with self, so Leo Aries relationship is a highly compatible union which can make for a powerful team.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Both Leo and Aries are governed by the element of Fire, resulting in an extremely heated and passionate relationship.

When this union is good, then it is outstanding...but when it is bad, then it is all about loud arguments and bruised egos. In Leo Aries relationship, there will inevitably be an ongoing competition regarding who is in charge and since a love affair should not be concerned with power, this can easily become a problem. Both individuals here possess boundless energy so they will constantly be "on the go," and although they may often disagree, the differences of opinion rarely last long.

Simply put, the Aries partner will be far too busy moving on to the next challenge to harbor a grudge. For this relationship to last, it will be important for Leo to remember not to be resentful if his or her Aries partner does not show enough respect.

Influence of the Zodiac Qualities

Leo is Fixed in quality while Aries is Cardinal.

Thus, Aries can provide the Leo native with the assertiveness to charge ahead and take chances. In turn, Leo can help teach the Aries partner to stabilize and follow things through to completion. Aries may occasionally damage the feelings of Leo by saying something hurtful without thinking. Conversely, Aries may become irritated by Leo's bossy nature and the tendency to sulk.

Still, this will be a loyal pair who cares deeply for each other and when they reach an understanding that there does not always have to be a boss, this can be a blissful and exciting union. There is a mutual admiration here and with Aries as the initiator and Leo as the one who follows through, each has an integral niche within the partnership.

Thus, Leo Aries relationship is something of an ideal union.

All You Need To Know about Pieces Leo Compatibility

About Pieces Leo compatibility, I will say each partner enjoys the new perspective the other brings to life in general. Native of Leo are strong and assertive, being free to do what they want and taking command of their surroundings. Pisces subjects are more reserved and introspective.

In many ways, these two are polar opposites...yet at heart, both are dreamers.

When there is true affection between Leo and Pisces, each can fill the other's voids and luxuriate in a caring relationship that is mutually beneficial. Here are various Zodiac influences you need to consider in Pieces Leo compatibility:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Pisces is ruled by the Planet Neptune. The Sun emits light, life and a focus on self. Neptune is concerned with the "big picture," which includes ideas and illusions...but is also related to disillusion and fantasy.

Thus, in Pieces Leo compatibility, Leo can help Pisces turn fantasies into realities. Through Pisces, Neptune works to soften Leo's sometimes self-centered and abrupt actions. It channels the Leo energy into a more creative and fruitful outlet.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Pisces is governed by the element of Water.

This can be an extremely happy and progressive combination provided each partner recognizes the needs of the other, employing introspection and creative ambition to tend to matters of the heart. However, there is a tendency for Pisces to be overly emotional, thus dampening Leo's natural enthusiasm. Additionally, Leo can burn too brightly and leave Pisces totally drained.

For this relationship to last, it will be necessary for this couple to establish effective communication in order to ensure their balance is maintained.

Influence of the Zodiac Qualities

Leo is Fixed in quality and Pisces is Mutable.

Pisces fails to serve well as a leader, achieving greatest personal satisfaction from bettering the Universe as a whole...and beginning with the Leo partner. On the other hand, Leo will be the one to initiate ideas and suggest small changes to be made here and there in the relationship.

Perhaps the best aspect of Pieces Leo compatibility is the receptiveness of each individual to the other's teachings. Pisces will show Leo how to be sensitive and caring while Leo instructs Pisces on how make dreams happen rather than simply sitting on them. This ability to provide what the other mate needs makes for a truly mutual union.

In essence, Pieces Leo combination is probably equally as likely to meet with failure as it is with success. In short, it is something of a gamble. The strong and hearty temperament of Leo may prove overwhelming for the subtle and sensitive Pisces, whose natives are apt to adopt the changing moods of any relationship.

See Detailed Pisces Leo Compatibility Issues

See Facts about Leo Scorpio Compatibility

Leo Scorpio compatibility tends to result in a dynamic and intense union, with each partner normally being well-tuned to the needs of the other. Scorpio demands respect and harbors a deep desire to be wanted, while Leo needs adoration and has to be constantly complimented.

However, since both Leo and Scorpio are so determined, this couple will need to work very hard in order to understand and accept one another. Here are various influences you need to consider about Leo Scorpio Compatibility:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, with a secondary influence from the planet Mars (which presided over Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto).

Thus, in Leo Scorpio compatibility, the abundance of male energy causes both Signs to lighten their conflicts and assist one another. The Sun is representative of life...Mars and Pluto represent ambition and the unconscious. Provided each partner here can take the time to truly understand the other on a deep level, then the romance could prove to be positive and carry high expectations.

Influence of the Governing Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Scorpio is governed by the element of Water.

Much like the elements that influence them, this pair has the ability to cancel each other out and at times, this relationship may not be harmonious. However, both partners are aware that petty disputes are merely a distraction. As long as egos can be kept at bay and the union given top priority, most conflicts between these two can generally be resolved.

What qualities does a Leo have?

An interesting question about Leo is what qualities does a Leo have? I will say a Leo native is proud, energetic and confident…person who adore being the center of attention. Actually, Leo subjects cannot help but find themselves in the limelight courtesy of their larger-than-life personality and a positive attitude which is infectious.

Here are positive and negative qualities of Leo:

Positive Qualities of a Leo

Leo natives are proud souls who place courage and personal honesty above all else.

It is the Leo strength of will, energy and vigor which make these individuals one of the best types to lead in the world. The males possess soldierly qualities and the females are dignified and regal...especially after the "first flush of youth."

There is a marked predilection here for all that flashes and glitters, coupled with the wisdom to realize that "all that glitters is not gold," making Leo natives usually successful in matters regarding monetary gain.

In short, Leo subjects (particularly the males) make great leaders...for good or ill. The ambition inherent in this Sign is immense with strength of will which matches or even surpasses this characteristic.

Monday, May 20, 2013

All You Need To Know About Dating a Leo

Dating a Leo, you will agree that the type of love associated with those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is that which embraces the whole of humanity. When in love, individuals ruled by this Sign are supremely supportive and affection tends to grow stronger the more him or her feels that the chosen partner truly cares.

Also, dating a Leo, you will also agree that to this individual love is a thing of luxury. You will receive an abundance of personal attention, lust and emotions. Since Leo individuals are prone to judge themselves on what they have around them (hence their love of luxury), they can be somewhat appearance-conscious at times and may become overly critical of your qualities, looks or talents.

Here are other things you need to know about dating a Leo:

  • Being a fiery and romantic soul, Leo native will demand a mate's attention, becoming jealous, aloof and offended should the partner forget...even for one instant...that Leo person is of kingly stock.
  • Also, natives of Leo are drawn to pleasure and pleasant people, so it may be best for any mate not to plan activities with them if in a bad or negative mood, or not up to par in general.
  • Leo individuals are most appreciative of youth and concepts of youthfulness. Hence, a partner is most dear to Leo when he or she thinks; acts and feels as young as possible.
  • In the romantic arena, the demands of Leo individuals can become excessive...their appetites vary considerably. Longevity will doubtless depend upon whether the Leo partner can show consideration and maintain a giving attitude.
  • Actually, when it comes to long term commitments, Leo individuals are rather high maintenance partners. They require attention, nurturing and pampering in order for the relationship to thrive. Any potential mate must be personally strong in himself or herself to enhance the partnership...but also willing to step occasionally into Leo's shadow.

Compatibility Chart for Leo





The attractions between Leo and Aries could be passionate, fiery and instantaneous.

This relationship will likely see a lot of action but both will want to be boss and problems can arise when their equally large egos get in the way.
Positive Challenges

These are two partners who have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn how to take turns in issuing commands and delivering orders.
Negative Challenges

Natives of both Signs can be impatient and proud. Moreover, the Aries partner may be bothered by the flirtatious nature of Leo.

There is a mutual admiration here and with Aries as the initiator and Leo as the one who follows through, each has an integral niche within the partnership.
With Taurus

There is so much mutual admiration between Leo and Taurus. An infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted.

Each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, the needs of this couple are similar.
Positive Challenges

Leo is frequently flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please the Taurus partner, who adores the most traditional forms of courtship.
Negative Challenges

Although this pair can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two. Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.

Leo Taurus combination is a rather good match, particularly when each partner understands the errors of the other.
With Gemini

Natives of Gemini thrive on mental stimulation and thus, will be extremely attracted to Leo's creative and dramatic spirit.

These couples share an ability to adapt to each other's moods and ways, making for a very good union...either because of the challenges it offers or in spite of them.
Positive Challenges

The Leo/Gemini relationship will be playful and high-spirited, characterized by light activity and optimism.
Negative Challenges

In a physically romantic sense, the variable desires of Gemini may be a complete mystery to the Leo native, who is prone to love whole-heartedly.

This combination can be a good one but not necessarily. The Leo native loves with the heart first, while Gemini loves with the mind.

Cancer will be very attracted to Leo's regal bearing and fun-loving attitude. And Leo will be attracted to the quiet outer facade of the Cancer personality.

Both Signs require dedication and tender, loving care...but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration.
Positive Challenges

The Leo/Cancer combination is generally one of mutual understanding for the most part. Basically, each knows how to satisfy the primary emotional needs within the other.
Negative Challenges

Both Signs like to take charge, but they approach the leadership role from vastly different directions. A multitude of disputes are liable to arise from these differences.

The best aspect of a Leo/Cancer match is the mutual commitment to a sincere relationship. Together, this couple can share a supportive, positive and healthy partnership.
With fellow Leo

Each partner here was probably instantly attracted to the good looks of the other and neither would have been shy in manifesting their desires.

Without doubt, this pairing will draw a great deal of attention and much notice. Two such stunning, creative and gregarious individuals appear to deserve each other to such a degree that those around them may actually hold their breath at the glorious sight.
Positive Challenges

Great lovers of pleasure, Leo natives enjoy the finer things life has to offer and this couple would never think twice about showing each other a good time.

Negative Challenges

Leo/Leo combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far.

The best aspect of a Leo/Leo match is the amazing fun-loving capacity the two shares, coupled with their wealth of creativity.
With Virgo

Leo and Virgo may overlook common interests and believe they have nothing to gain from one another. Yet, this is a relationship that could evolve over time, with each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other.

Leo is by nature extroverted, dominant and charismatic, but often cursed with a very short fuse. Virgo is inherently studious and withdrawn, blessed with far more versatility than Leo.
Positive Challenges

Although there are obvious differences, this pair can sometimes make for a rather wonderful love match, provided each mate can warm to the other's unfamiliar style.
Negative Challenges

In the early days of this union, Leo and Virgo may see nothing but faults in the other's personality. Leo will probably appear tyrannical and Virgo may seem too judgmental.

Although the two personalities here are opposite in many ways, they can make for a rather complementary union...provided both are willing to invest the time to make it work.
With Libra

On the surface, the Leo/Libra partnership promises to be an agreeable one. There will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other.

In a romantically physical sense, the appetites here are about equal. Libra desires glamour and fantasy in the arena of intimacy, looking to his or her mate to furnish such
Positive Challenges

Leo and Libra are both outlandish as opposed to reserved, and a smooth union could result given that each has the ability to appreciate and benefit from the positive attributes of the other.

Negative Challenges

Both are "on again/off again" workers and will spend long periods simply lazing around doing nothing. Yet, neither will recognize their own trait in their mate, resulting in the hurling of insults of indolence at each other.

The hale and hearty nature of Leo may prove to be too overwhelming for the more sensitive Libra, even though the pair have much in common that could result in a favorable relationship.
With Scorpio

The Leo/Scorpio relationship tends to result in a dynamic and intense union, with each partner normally being well-tuned to the needs of the other.

Scorpio demands respect and harbors a deep desire to be wanted, while Leo needs adoration and has to be constantly complimented.
Positive Challenges

Both individuals are extremely loyal and often possessive of one another, but each is ably equipped to provide what the other needs while still enjoying the strengths possessed by his or her partner.
Negative Challenges

Jealousy will play a major role in this relationship. Conflicts and any success for happiness and longevity will depend on many factors.


Since both Leo and Scorpio are so determined, this couple will need to work very hard in order to understand and accept one another.

With Sagittarius

Both Leo and Sagittarius are blessed with the same warm, generous and loving characteristics.  Plus, these two have a genuine admiration and respect for one another.

Both individuals are warm, charismatic and charming. Consequently, other people find enjoyment basking within the energy radiated by this couple.
Positive Challenges

Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest extent. This is energetic pair who is fun to be around, with each individual encouraging the other to aim high.

Negative Challenges

Leo and Sagittarius are each domineering in nature, which could result in trouble if the Leo partner tries to regulate Sagittarius to the sidelines.

This combination is close to perfect...most of the time. Both Signs love change and excitement. In addition, they share a magnificent zest for life.
With Capricorn

On the surface, this appears to be a rather unlikely couple, but love can grow if time is taken to unearth the similarities between these two Signs.

A Leo/Capricorn union generally results in a mutually supportive relationship, although the Capricorn partner will be more conservative, hard-working and traditional in outlook.
Positive Challenges

Both enjoy comfort, being pampered and working toward their personally set goals. Both also relish the spotlight and harbor a fondness for material possessions.
Negative Challenges

Those governed by Capricorn usually find it difficult to see the brighter side of life while Leo tends to be the eternal cock-eyed optimist. Thus, this pair will probably be at odds over even the most minor of things.

These are two very determined Signs and with a little careful attention, the Leo/Capricorn couple can sympathize with each other and eventually come to realize that they have much to learn from one another.
With Aquarius

The aloof nature of Aquarius would undoubtedly prove to be something of a challenge to the Leo subject...and quite possibly the initial "draw" that brings these two together.

The merging of Aquarius foresight and Leo creativity will cause those around them to take notice of this pair. An energetic and unstoppable partnership, there is never a dull moment in the Leo/Aquarius union...although occasional competitions may occur.
. Positive Challenges

These are both congenial Signs and that could make for a good relationship. In addition, both tend to be idealistic and highly motivated. Attracted to all things novel, this couple will be thrill-seekers.
Negative Challenges

Both these Signs are known for their pride and fixed opinions, which will almost certainly result in many arguments between this couples.


Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Aquarius match is the ability to create magic when they are together. Fixed Fire and Fixed Air should have little trouble in covering all the bases.
With Pisces

Natives of Pisces natives tend to give the impression that they need to be protected or mothered and this could be the initial attraction for Leo individuals.

Both partners here will be vain individuals and share in the love of extravagant clothing...but that is about as far as the sharing will go.
Positive Challenges

When there is true affection between Leo and Pisces, each can fill the other's voids and luxuriate in a caring relationship that is mutually beneficial. Since Leo is a natural leader, he or she often becomes the guardian of the weaker Pisces in this pairing.
Negative Challenges

Both Signs relish romantic interludes...and relish them often. In order to keep Leo happy, Pisces must learn to control the inherent changeable moods and strive to keep such moods separate from the love life.

This combination is probably equally as likely to meet with failure as it is with success. In short, it is something of a gamble.

               Compatibility Chart for Leo