Showing posts with label Leo Profile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo Profile. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

Here are Leo lucky Number and Leo lucky color

Leo Lucky Number

The lucky number for Leo is one (also known as the Monad or God of All Numbers). Associated with the Sun (this Sign's ruling "Planet"), one is the number of Divine Purpose, the number of Creation and the number of Unity. One is the beginning of all counting and the root of solitary forces. It is the symbol of identity, harmony and conservation, having no parts and being individual by nature.

One is masculine in nature and, when associated with Leo, resides in the Fifth House of Creative Expression and Social Popularity...the House of the Heart. The colors associated with the number one are all those within the yellow, orange and brown families. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being fire and its associated gems being rubies, topaz, yellow diamonds and amber.

Leo Lucky Color

The lucky colors for Leo are gold and orange...colors which emanate from the Sun, this Sign's ruling "Planet." The Sun represents the life force and is the visible symbol of the Cosmic Creator in the solar system. Gold is traditionally associated with royalty, symbolic of the color of the heavens and has historically been used to decorate statues of the Buddha and religious temples. This color is also said to be representative of pride. Gold is believed to attract positive influences, evoking the sensation of looking upon waving fields of ripened grain stalks. It is also connected with justice and career matters. In heraldry, gold is symbolic of honor and loyalty.

Positive Qualities Of Leo Lucky Color Orange: Physical Comfort - Security - Passion - Abundance

Negative Qualities Of Leo Lucky Color Orange: Frustration - Immaturity

Leo individuals tend to prefer solid blocks of bright, positive and powerful color rather than complicated patterns. Leo natives are also drawn to colors traditionally associated with royalty...regal shades of red, blue, purple and gold, for example. In short, Leo is associated with warm colors in general, or warmer shades of the cooler colors...very rich mixtures of blue and purple which lean more toward the red than the blue. There is also a tendency to be drawn to all things which are bold, bright and rather "splashy."

Other Leo Favorable Colors: Pink - Red - Green - Yellow - Bright Brown - Bright Black -Variegated Colors 

Other Leo Unfavorable Colors: White - Grey - Dull Brown - Faded Colors 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Leo Birthstone

 Leo Birthstone

The lucky birthstone of an individual is truly associated with the month of birth rather than the Sign under which a person was born.

The lucky birthstone for Leo individuals born in July is the ruby.

They share this fortunate jewel with those Cancer individuals who were also born during the same month. The ruby is often referred to as the Stone of Love, the Stone of Life, the Stone of Royalty and the Queen of Gemstones. This jewel is the red variety of the mineral corundum (a mineral which also includes the sapphire family), which is composed of aluminum oxide and well as extremely small proportions of other trace elements.

The lucky gem for Leo individuals born in August is the Sardonxy.

They share this fortunate jewel with those Virgo individuals who were also born during the same month. The sardonyx is also referred to as the Gem of Courage and the Gem of Virtue. A blend of sard and onyx, this stone is found worldwide but the best specimens are mined chiefly in Brazil, India, California and Uruguay.

The color bands of sardonyx are white against a black or brownish-red background and it is usually cut into beads or used to fashion cameos and intaglios (reversed cameos).

Thursday, November 28, 2013

All You Need To Knoe About Leo Health and Wellbeing

Leo Health and Wellbeing

Leo chiefly governs the heart, upper area of the spine and the back in general. The heart is traditionally associated with warm emotions and the back with courage. Needless to say, Leo natives display both of these desirable qualities in abundance and are blessed with an open which gives wholeheartedly of itself to others and lives life to the fullest.

Moderation should always be the keynote for Leo natives and if such a regime is followed, then the reward is likely to be a very long life. However, there is a tendency here to toward excitement and any form of over-indulgence should be avoided. Possessed with magnificent vitality and a robust constitution, those ruled by this Sign usually make a quick recovery from ailments and/or injuries.

Nevertheless, these natives are subject to organic weakness, cramps, palpitations, spasms of the heart and possibly the occasional bout of fainting. Other ailments common to those governed by Leo include scrofula and other skin diseases invariably caused by poor circulation and impurities of the blood. Violent fevers are also quite common among Leo individuals, as are spinal troubles, weakness of the back, lungs and kidneys.

There may also be present such conditions as a torpid liver, convulsions, apolplexy, pleurisy, gout and janudice...all manifestations associated with an unfavorable mode of living and lack of self-control. It should be noted that there is also a need here to be wary of hypertension and such ailments as hardening of the arteries and blood clots. These natives may also fall victim to varicose veins and chilblains in cold weather.

Leo natives often push themselves so hard that they suffer strain from over-exertion and nerves. Here, the upper back is likely to tire more easily than any other area of the body. There is also a tendency to experience pain and pressure around the heart. Indeed, when startled, the heart of a Leo subject will seem to almost "jump" into the throat and it is not unusual for such an individual to feel the pulse beat inside the head. Leo's ruling planet, the Sun, has always been associated with the heart, back and spinal column and thus, also influences the spleen and vitality of the entire body.

Given that this Sign is characterized by growth, vitality and good health, Leo natives are customarily noted for their longevity and healthy lives. However, they must learn to slow down in later years in order to avoid the risk of heart attack. Individuals governed by this Sign enjoy the good life and eating well is a part of such enjoyment. In short, they like rich foods and fine wines. Fortunately, young Leo natives are likely to have a strong stomach and good circulation, coupled with the tendency to keep in shape because, by nature, they are inclined to be active individuals.

However, in time, such over-indulgent habits will invariably take their toll and it will be necessary for the Leo subject to learn how to eat correctly and cut down on fatty foods. In addition, being inherent leaders and commanders, Leo natives tend to burden themselves with much responsibility and work-related pressures. Thus, they are often so single-mindedly busy pursuing career objectives that it can be detrimental to their health.

To remain healthy, it is vital that the diet of those who fall within the jurisdiction of Leo be uniform, wholesome, sustaining and carefully watched. All spicy and/or stimulating foods and drinks should be avoided, coupled with the practice of temperate habits and harmonious surroundings...all of which are essential to the health and happiness of Leo natives.

Above all, they should guard against over-exertion and excitement. Everything should be undertaken in a quiet, calm and orderly fashion. The vital forces of the Leo body need to be kept under control since when its tone becomes lowered, colds and serious ailments are prone to result.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Here is true Origin and Meaning of Leo Zodiac Sign

Meaning of Leo

Looking at the origin and meaning of Leo, I will say Leo is the Fifth sign of the Zodiac. Its name may derive from the Latin Leo or the Greek Leon, both of which mean "lion." However, the name is likely Semitic in origin...from the Hebrew word, labi. Leo is known as the "royal sign," symbolic of exuberance and leadership, and individuals who fall within its jurisdiction place courage and personal honesty above all else.

Looking further at the meaning of Leo, Leo is also known as the Sign of the King or President, Leo is Positive in polarity (as are Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces).

However, Positive Signs rarely display the same levels of sensitivity or the same depth of understanding of emotional subtleties as do their Negative counterparts. Positive Signs tend to crave excitement and thus, are inclined to direct their energies outward into the world around them. Aries is the most flagrantly extrovert of the Positive Signs (with Sagittarius a close second).

Leo is the natural ruler of the Fifth House of the Zodiac, often referred to as the "House of Pleasure" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Good Fortune." This is the field of experience in which an individual is challenged to develop creativity and self-esteem...and to find joy in living. Essentially, it deals with fun, games, gambling, playing, acting, drama, hobbies, the theater and the use or misuse of creative energies.

The side of an individual which is reserved for play...the side which only emerges when there is fun to be had and the work is done...resides in the Fifth House. By its very nature, this House reflects the charming and delightful side of an individual...where hobbies, interests and playmates may be found. In short, if something provides a person with joy, then it will be preserved in the Fifth House.

By tradition, this House is associated with children, enthusiasm, creativity and motivation, as well as love affairs...both legal and illicit. The influence of the Fifth House creates a sense of excitement and the craving of pleasure. It also allows an individual to see a little of himself or herself in what has been personally created...anything from the smile of a son or daughter to a piece of artwork.

The Fifth House is governed by the Planet Sun...not truly a "planet" since it is a star, but classified as such for the purposes of continuity in the science of astrology.

The opposite sign to Leo is Aquarius. From Aquarius, Leo can learn to share in a caring manner and occasionally leave "center stage" to others. Thus, can Leo natives learn to stand alone and value themselves.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Look at Detailed Positive and Negative Leo Characteristics

Leo Characteristics

Looking at Leo characteristics, Leo is known as the Royal Sign of the Zodiac and these natives are proud souls who place courage and personal honesty above all else.

Others may not always live up to the expectations of Leo individuals and thus, the life of a Leo subject is constantly subject to disappointments.

Nonetheless, those governed by this Sign possess radiant warmth which touches the hearts of friends and admirers.

The ambition inherent in this Sign is immense with strength of will which matches or even surpasses this characteristic. Leo individuals appear...and usually are...humanistic by nature but, on a more negative note, often seem to display a streak of ruthlessness.

Now, let look at positive and negative Leo characteristics:

Positive Leo Characteristics

  • It is the Leo strength of will, energy and vigor which make these individuals one of the best types to lead in the world. The males possess soldierly qualities and the females are dignified and regal...especially after the "first flush of youth."
  • There is a marked predilection here for all that flashes and glitters, coupled with the wisdom to realize that "all that glitters is not gold," making Leo natives usually successful in matters regarding monetary gain. In short, Leo subjects (particularly the males) make great leaders...for good or ill.
  • Those governed by Leo will always stand ready to defend friends and family and the power of this Sign can override almost anything. Leo individuals rarely display jealousy...rather, they tend to invite it, thus throwing the burden upon
  • Being accustomed to gaining results through personality and charm, these individuals are above anything petty but, if they find themselves slipping, will justify whatever measures they deem required in order to to retain what they feel is rightfully theirs. their critics.
  • At their most glorious, Leo subjects are big-hearted, passionate and generous souls, appreciative of loyalty and sincerity while withholding nothing of themselves...possibly because these individuals cannot abide hypocrisy or deceptive in others. They are devoted to high ideals, being honorable, conscientious, courageous and daring. In short, they live for the moment, savoring life to the fullest.
For all these Leo virtues, its natives must strive to overcome an imposing dark side and those who fail to dispel the shadows may well become demanding, domineering, insensitive and destructive. This dark side of Leo can lead to a drowning of the individual in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and capacity for spiritual development. In such circumstances, it will be necessary for the Leo subject to endeavor to avoid the type of exaggeration which can debase the many gifts inherent in this Sign.

Negative Leo Characteristics

The worst fault of those ruled by Leo is that they can become very narrow-minded and bigoted, largely due to the fact that personal convictions are settled early in life and rarely become changed or modified at a later time. In addition, the greatest drawback to the Leo personality is likely to be indolence. They will revel in ease and luxury until they are forced into action either through necessity or due to their own self-imposed demands.
  • Leo natives are easily flattered and often make the mistake of trusting false friends. Indeed, Leo subjects often win over opponents through the force of sheer magnetism. However, if such efforts are misdirected, then the result could easily be false idealism and the Leo benefactor is sometimes only a whisper away from turning into a tyrant.
  • Those ruled by Leo are prone to ride over their own faults so naturally that apparently, they are not even aware of such faults. In fact, the very exuberance of a Leo subject can manifest itself in the form of a show-off...but he or she will doubtless feel above any such criticism. Thus, when Leo natives honestly believe they are right, it is assumed that all critics must necessarily be wrong.
  • The type of love associated with those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is that which embraces the whole of humanity yet, this can present a danger in that Leo individuals are prone to diffuse such love and are often blind to where it is most needed...frequently closer that these natives might think.
  •  Leo subjects are open in speech and can be rather tactless...a trait which those who form friendships with Leo subjects come to recognize as being symbolic of the honesty associated with this Sign. However, this self-same quality also easily garners enemies.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Leo Tattoos

Here are some of the best Leo Tattoos:


Tattooing involves the placement of pigment into the skin's dermis. After initial injection, pigment is dispersed throughout a homogenized damaged layer down through the epidermis and upper dermis, in both of which the presence of foreign material activates the immune system's phagocytes to engulf the pigment particles.
As healing proceeds, the damaged epidermis flakes away (eliminating surface pigment) while deeper in the skin granulation tissue forms, which is later converted to connective tissue by collagen growth.

The most common method of tattooing in modern times is the electric tattoo machine, which inserts ink into the skin via a group of needles that are soldered onto a bar, which is attached to an oscillating unit. The unit rapidly and repeatedly drives the needles in and out of the skin, usually 80 to 150 times a second. 

This modern procedure is ordinarily sanitary. The needles are single-use needles that come packaged individually.

The tattoo artist must wash not only his or her hands, but they must also wash the area that will be tattooed. Gloves must be worn at all times and the wound must be wiped frequently with a wet disposable towel of some kind.

Prices for this service vary widely globally and locally, depending on the complexity of the tattoo, the skill and expertise of the artist, the attitude of the customer, the costs of running a business, the economics of supply and demand, etc.

The time it takes to get a tattoo is in proportion with its size and complexity. A small one of simple design might take fifteen minutes, whereas an elaborate sleeve tattoo or back piece requires multiple sessions of several hours each.

Pictures of Leo Sign

Here are various pictures of Leo Sign:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Facts about Leo Lucky Number

Leo Lucky Number

Leo lucky number is one (also known as the Monad or God of All Numbers). One is masculine in nature and, when associated with Leo, resides in the Fifth House of Creative Expression and Social Popularity...the House of the Heart.

One is also associated with the Sun (Leo’s ruling “Planet”) one is the number of Divine Purpose, the number of Creation and the number of Unity. One is the beginning of all counting and the root of solitary forces. It is the symbol of identity, harmony and conservation, having no parts and being individual by nature.

The number one is rarely found in Northern mythological and runic references, although it does contain the first rune of all three Aetts, therefore making it a positive principle in theory.

Other mystical qualities of one (Leo’s lucky number)

One remains constantly stable and is the immutable number, the same until infinity. To the Greeks, this number represented Khaos, the primeval state of the universe prior to the separation into positive and negative.

One is representative of the beginning and the end, as well as being the symbol of Homo erectus, the only species to walk upright. This number may be found in images of standing stones and the upright staff.

In mathematical terms, if a number is multiplied by itself, the product is always a larger number and the square of a number is always greater than the sum of its addition to itself. However, in the case of one, the result of multiplying itself by itself is smaller than the result of adding it to itself.

One multiplied by one will always remain one, whereas when it is added to itself, it becomes two. Thus, by itself, one is not conscious of itself, but by mirroring in the other...the two...and the experience of duality, one does become conscious of itself.  Therefore, this number is symbolic of the state of wholeness, but is unaware of itself and possesses enormous inner potential to strive for realization.

The colors associated with the number one are all those within the yellow, orange and brown families. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being fire and its associated gems being rubies, topaz, yellow diamonds and amber.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Facts about Leo Careers and Professions

Leo natives tend to succeed extremely well in any profession which allows them a platform from which they can pontificate. Being ruled by the Element of Fire, these individuals are very independent and resent being commanded or controlled in any manner.

They possess keen business instincts despite the fact that their judgment in important matters may occasionally be somewhat hasty. They do seem to be better fitted by nature to rule rather than be ruled. The placing of responsibility upon the shoulders of these individuals will cause them to display true worth and real executive ability.

By nature, Leo subjects are exceedingly independent and will often resent being commanded. They seem to exceed extraordinarily well as chemists or physicians. Due to their empathy and high ideals, they will easily attract and retain patients, whom they have the ability to inspire with gentle ministrations.

Some of the most skilled nurses in the world may be found under this Sign, including Jean H. Dunant of France, founder of The Red Cross.

Here are other things you need to know about Leo professions:

  • Leo individuals are born to direct, command, lead, impose justice, create, express and communicate. One of the missions in the life of a Leo individual is to teach others to work for personal ambitions and personal happiness. However, these natives are far better fitted for mental labor rather than the physical.
  • Those governed by Leo will be focused upon their work and make for excellent team leaders. Such individuals are likely to also be risk-takers (although usually not unless the odds are heavily stacked in their favor since they hate to lose and look bad) who desire the world and often get it.
  • As employees, Leo individuals will be most effective in promotion and sales. These are natural show people and will keep customers happy with their warm and sunny disposition. However, beneath the brave facade there normally lurks a secret fear that there is no true courage to be found. Nevertheless, despite this, Leo natives will persist with their extreme vanity and insufferable ego.
  • They are invaluable in a crisis and suddenly, to the surprise of everyone, will usually show themselves to be the steadiest of souls. Given the inherent fetish for authority, if those governed by this Sign cannot be the boss, then they must have a position where they can display their talents and abilities to the world in some fashion.
  • If the role of executive or leader is denied, then Leo subjects will be happiest as teachers or salesman, for example. They seek occupations which will allow them to impart their superior knowledge to others in some manner or permit them to stand in the bright spotlight of publicity. Leo individuals will work harder than anyone to keep a steady stream of compliments coming their way. Indeed, flattery tends to egg them on and bereft of same, they will perform to only half of their actual potential.

Here are Facts about Chinese Symbol for Leo

Chinese symbol for Leo is associated with the earthly branch symbol (.) represented by the monkey. The Monkey () is the ninth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.

To better understand Chinese symbol for Leo, we have to look at principles behind Chinese astrology.

It is based on the traditional astronomy and calendars. It does not calculate the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the time of birth. The Chinese zodiac of twelve animal sign represents twelve different types of personality

The animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself The combination of one's birth year, month, day and hour are a part of the 'four pillars' of Chinese astrology which determine one's fate.

According to Chinese zodiac, persons born within these date ranges for the zodiacal monkey bear the following elemental sign:
  • 20 February 1920 – 7 February 1921: Metal Monkey
  • 6 February 1932 – 25 January 1933: Water Monkey
  • 25 January 1944 – 12 February 1945: Wood Monkey
  • 12 February 1956 – 30 January 1957: Fire Monkey
  • 30 January 1968 – 16 February 1969: Earth Monkey
  • 16 February 1980 – 4 February 1981: Metal Monkey
  • 4 February 1992 – 22 January 1993: Water Monkey
  • 22 January 2004 – 8 February 2005: Wood Monkey
  • 8 February 2016 – 27 January 2017: Fire Monkey
  • 2028–2029: Earth Monkey
To sum it up, Chinese symbol for Leo (associated with the earthly branch symbol (.) is roughly equivalent to our western sign Leo.

Detailed Leo Chinese Symbol

Friday, May 17, 2013

Here are Notable Negative Side of Leo

The most negative side of Leo personality is likely to be indolence. Leo natives will revel in ease and luxury until they are forced into action either through necessity or due to their own self-imposed demands. In addition, these individuals may become very narrow-minded and bigoted, largely due to the fact that personal convictions are settled early in life and rarely become changed or modified at a later time.

The most abhorrent negative side of Leo is the drowning of the Leo individual in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and capacity for spiritual development. In such circumstances, it will be necessary for the Leo subject to endeavor to avoid the type of exaggeration which can debase the many gifts inherent in this Sign.

Here are other notable negative sides of Leo:

  • Leo natives are proud souls. Others may not always live up to the expectations of Leo individuals and thus, the life of a Leo subject is constantly subject to disappointments. They are continually disappointed in the actions and motives of others.
  • Leo subjects cannot tolerate for long those who would constantly or repeatedly attempt to upstage them and are certain to display defiance toward anyone who seriously threatens their right of rulership.
  • When natives of this Sign feel let down...and it usually takes a great deal...they either fall into an abyss of pain and depression, or become utterly cold and without feeling. If their trust is broken, they are almost certain to crumble.
  • Leo subjects can also be high-handed and when they fall victim to their own shortcomings, the result can be nothing less than disastrous. Also, these natives are easily flattered and often make the mistake of trusting false friends.
  • The type of love associated with those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is that which embraces the whole of humanity yet; this can present a danger in that Leo individuals are prone to diffuse such love and are often blind to where it is most needed...frequently closer that these natives might think.
  • Leo individuals rarely display jealousy...rather; they tend to invite it, thus throwing the burden upon their critics.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Here are Positive and Negative Leo Traits

Talking about Leo traits, I will say; of all the Zodiac Signs, it is Leo which is most known for dedication to an ideal. The fiery temperament of a Leo subject is typical of the Zodiac's fire being the element which rules this sign.

Here are summary of positive and negative Leo traits:

Positive Leo Traits includes:

  • Generous
  • Honest
  • Warm-hearted
  • Magnanimous
  • Broad-minded
  • Expansive
  • Loving
  • Proud
  • Enthusiastic and creative with a flair for showmanship and drama

Negative Leo Traits includes:

  • Pompous
  • Patronizing
  • Bossy
  • Interfering
  • Dogmatic
  • Intolerant
  • Bullying
  • Conceited
  • Snobbish and power-mad

Here are other notable Leo Traits:

  • There is radiant warmth associated with this Zodiac Sign which emanates from the Leo personality to touch the hearts of friends and admirers. This fortunate personality trait is apt to open many doors in life and the individual ruled by Leo welcomes both authority and responsibility.
  • Leo is known as the "royal sign," symbolic of exuberance and leadership, and individuals who fall within its jurisdiction place courage and personal honesty above all else. Others may not necessarily fulfill the expectations of a Leo native and thus, the life of a Leo is often rife with disappointments.
  • Actually, there are few people who fail to be attracted to the Leos of this world since they are indeed likeable individuals, being frank, open, honest and endearing.
  • There is a tendency here toward a drowning in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and the capacity for spiritual development. Thus, those born under the Sign of Leo should strive to avoid the type of exaggeration that can debase their many inherent gifts.

Likes: speculative ventures, lavish living, rich food, children, drama, pageantry and grandeur

Dislikes: doing anything safely, day-to-day living, small-minded people, penny-pinching and mean spiritedness

See Details

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All You Need To Know About Personality Characteristics of Leo

In personality characteristics of Leo, we will be looking at those defining features of all born of Leo Zodiac Sign. The fact is; this is the Sign of exuberance and idealism, denoting a powerful personality. However, as well as being high-minded, Leo subjects can also be high-handed and when they fall victim to their own shortcomings.

Being impulsive, generous and brave, these natives are quick to follow their own intuition. Personal success is often furthered by the marked influence of those ruled by Leo upon all individuals that they meet.

Here are other notable personality characteristics of Leo:

Sheer magnetism

Leo subjects often win over opponents through the force of sheer magnetism. However, if such efforts are misdirected, then the result could easily be false idealism and the Leo benefactor is sometimes only a whisper away from turning into a tyrant.

Adore being in the spotlight

With a desire to "charter their own course," individuals governed by Leo follow through on this with an inherent vigor. They adore being in the spotlight...possibly because it is perceived as a miniature version of the beloved Sun...And seek out appreciation and affection with a zest equal to the manner in which they bestow these upon others.

Very exuberance

Leo subjects like anything which is active...including outdoor life...for Leo subjects crave the warmth of the Sun which is so predominant in this Zodiac Sign. In fact, the very exuberance of a Leo subject can manifest itself in the form of a show-off...but he or she will doubtless feel above any such criticism. Thus, when Leo natives honestly believe they are right, it is assumed that all critics must necessarily be wrong.

Love of humanity

The type of love associated with those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is that which embraces the whole of humanity yet; this can present a danger in that Leo individuals are prone to diffuse such love and are often blind to where it is most needed...frequently closer that these natives might think.


The nature here is inherently simple for Leo subjects are open in speech and can be rather tactless...a trait which those who form friendships with Leo subjects come to recognize as being symbolic of the honesty associated with this Sign. However, this self-same quality also easily garners enemies.


To the Leo native, diplomacy is tantamount to guile...a trait which is personally detested but which the Leo individual often learns how to use.

See details

Friday, April 22, 2011

About Leo Zodiac Symbol

Leo astrological symbol...or glyph...of Leo has, since ancient times, been likened to the mane of a lion, or even its tail. However, it has also been thought to represent the two valves of the heart...the area of the body which Leo rules.

Yet other interpretations of the glyph are that it is representative of the "serpent power" or creative force of the body in its coiled or dormant form, or that it symbolizes the heat or creative energy of the Sun, the celestial body which governs this Zodiac Sign.

In Vedic Astrology, this glyph represents creativity and childbirth, likened to a sperm cell which is the creative power of life and heralds its beginning.

Here are other symbols of Leo Zodiac Sign:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Here are Detailed Leo Profile

Leo profile explains all that made up Libra Zodiac Sign. You will learn about the Season, Ruling planet, Polarity, Zodiac quality, Zodiac element and its influence on Leo natives. You will also be familiar with the lucky gem, lucky number, lucky flower, lucky color and lucky day associated to all born under the Zodiac Sign Leo.

Now, let’s look at Leo profile in details:

The Season

Leo is a Summer Zodiac Sign (as are the Signs of Cancer and Virgo). This time of the year is also known as the Summer Solstice when the days are longer and the nights are shorter than at any other time during the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, Summer usually begins on June 21, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it begins around December 21. However, for the purposes of Astrology, the Northern Hemisphere timeframe marks the beginning of this Season.

Ruling Planet

Leo is dominated by the Sun, providing its natives with an exuberant and dynamic quality. Strictly speaking, the Sun is a star but, for astrological purposes it is considered to be a ruling planet. In mythological aspects, the planetary ruler of Leo is likened to Apollo, the Roman Sun God.

Ruling House

Leo is the natural ruler of the Fifth House of the Zodiac, often referred to as the "House of Pleasure" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Good Fortune." This is the field of experience in which an individual is challenged to develop creativity and self-esteem...and to find joy in living.

Zodiac Quality

Leo is a Fixed Quality Sign (a Quality it shares with Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius). As the second Zodiac Sign of Summer, Leo is the solidifier of this Season.

Zodiac Polarity

Leo is Positive in polarity (as are Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius).

The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces).

Lucky Number

The lucky number for Leo is one (also known as the Monad or God of All Numbers). Associated with the Sun (this Sign's ruling "Planet") one is the number of Divine Purpose, the number of Creation and the number of Unity. One is masculine in nature and, when associated with Leo, resides in the Fifth House of Creative Expression and Social Popularity...the House of the Heart.

Lucky flower

The lucky flower for Leo is the marigold, also known as the Herb of the Sun, symbolic of passion and creativity. It is a hardy plant whose blooms are usually yellow or orange, but can be reddish or brown in color. The marigold was formerly used as a love charm, and incorporated into wedding garlands and posies. It was also once believed that to rub the flower head on a wasp or bee sting would alleviate any pain.

Lucky Gem

The lucky gemstone of an individual is truly associated with the month of birth rather than the Sign under which a person was born.

The lucky gem for Leo individuals born in July is the ruby. They share this fortunate jewel with those Cancer individuals who were also born during the same month. The ruby is often referred to as the Stone of Love, the Stone of Life, the Stone of Royalty and the Queen of Gemstones.

The lucky gem for Leo individuals born in August is the sardonxy. They share this fortunate jewel with those Virgo individuals who were also born during the same month. The sardonyx is also referred to as the Gem of Courage and the Gem of Virtue. A blend of sard and onyx, this stone is found worldwide but the best specimens are mined chiefly in Brazil, India, California and Uruguay.

According to legend, sardonyx aids in communication and provides its owner with elegant speech, as well as being a valuable ward against evil. Thought to calm relationships, as well as being credited with the power to attract friends and good fortune, this stone is believed to bring happiness to couples.

Lucky Day

The lucky day for those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is Sunday.

More on Leo Profile Main Page

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Complete Profile Leo Personalities

To some extent, Leo personalities are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Leo individual falls. Hence, we will be looking at Leo personalities with respect to minor planetary influences, which temper or blend with the ruling influence of the period.

Note: The planetary influences described under Leo decans are valuable in "shading" the personalities of many Leo individuals, but are generally subordinate to the stronger characteristic of Leo.

Leo Personalities (First Decan)
July 23 to August 1

The First Decan of Leo is also known as the Leo Decante and the "Week of Authority."

This Decan is the most typical of its native Sign, meaning that individuals born during this period possess a tremendous amount of added staying power. Once these subjects set out to accomplish something, they will persist regardless of encountered obstacles, until success is attained.

Added to this determination is a driving ability which helps supply the energy and stamina necessary for such persistance. The personality and physical appearance of these First Decan Leo natives has a certain brightness and sparkle often envied by others who are not so blessed.

Since command of the spotlight is so easily achieved, these Leo natives need to exercise care that they do not overdo or abuse such a privilege. It is easy for others to experience envy or resentment toward them.

Thus, First Decan individuals should practice giving those around them a small portion of the limelight from time-to-time...if they wish to be as well-liked and highly regarded as they appear to desire.

The motto of the First Decan of Leo is "Rulership."

Leo Personalities (Second Decan) August 2 to August 11

The Second Decan of Leo is also known as the Sagittarius Decante and the "Week of Balanced Strength."

The influence of Jupiter, secondary planet governing this Decan, can induce numerous and rather interesting differences but chiefly amplifies, enlarges and magnifies the more traditional characteristics associated with the Sign of Leo.

This secondary planetary influence appears to add something of the gambler's instinct to certain Second Decan Leo subjects since they do enjoy taking chances from time-to-time and this element of risk adds a special interest to the lives of such individuals.

Basically, the Second Decan of Leo is counted among the strongest to be found in the entire Zodiac. Common sense is frequently accompanied by a most generous disposition which is both open-minded and open-hearted.

The "will to win" inherent in natives of the Sun (primary governing planet of this Decan), coupled with talent to "see things through" which is provided by Jupiter, results in individuals who are understanding, tolerant and tactful when dealing with those around them...often able to overlook the foibles of friends and family.

Perhaps the greatest fault of these natives is overconfidence, which can lead to conceit and may cause those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Decan to place self-interest above the honesty which this Second Decan customarily represents.

The motto of the Second Decan of Leo is "Reform."

Leo Personalities (Third Decan)
August 12 to August 22

The Third Decan of Leo is also known as the Aries Decante and the "Week of Leadership."

The influence of Mars, secondary planet governing this Decan, can induce some rather exciting and interesting characteristics but chiefly provides the ability to concentrate and focus the power and warmth afforded by the Sun (primary planet governing this Decan), so that such power and warmth may be utilized most efficiently for whatever might need to be accomplished.

When this immensely potent energy force is used wisely, then few things can stand in the way of Third Decan Leo natives for very long regarding their progress in life. The external ego is strong here due to the influence of Leo, but is even more accentuated because of the effect of Aries, first Sign of the Zodiac.

Since these subjects respond so well to challenges, they are happier when setting a rather difficult personal goal...and once this has been accomplished, another should be set immediately.

Others generally like to be in the company of these Third Decan subjects because their zest for life seems to inspire those around them to the point of believing that life truly is worth living. The dominance of the Sun is probably at its most forceful in this Decan of Leo, resulting in natives whose disposition is both brave and virile.

The motto of the Third Decan of Leo is "Ambition."