Thursday, November 28, 2013

All You Need To Knoe About Leo Health and Wellbeing

Leo Health and Wellbeing

Leo chiefly governs the heart, upper area of the spine and the back in general. The heart is traditionally associated with warm emotions and the back with courage. Needless to say, Leo natives display both of these desirable qualities in abundance and are blessed with an open which gives wholeheartedly of itself to others and lives life to the fullest.

Moderation should always be the keynote for Leo natives and if such a regime is followed, then the reward is likely to be a very long life. However, there is a tendency here to toward excitement and any form of over-indulgence should be avoided. Possessed with magnificent vitality and a robust constitution, those ruled by this Sign usually make a quick recovery from ailments and/or injuries.

Nevertheless, these natives are subject to organic weakness, cramps, palpitations, spasms of the heart and possibly the occasional bout of fainting. Other ailments common to those governed by Leo include scrofula and other skin diseases invariably caused by poor circulation and impurities of the blood. Violent fevers are also quite common among Leo individuals, as are spinal troubles, weakness of the back, lungs and kidneys.

There may also be present such conditions as a torpid liver, convulsions, apolplexy, pleurisy, gout and janudice...all manifestations associated with an unfavorable mode of living and lack of self-control. It should be noted that there is also a need here to be wary of hypertension and such ailments as hardening of the arteries and blood clots. These natives may also fall victim to varicose veins and chilblains in cold weather.

Leo natives often push themselves so hard that they suffer strain from over-exertion and nerves. Here, the upper back is likely to tire more easily than any other area of the body. There is also a tendency to experience pain and pressure around the heart. Indeed, when startled, the heart of a Leo subject will seem to almost "jump" into the throat and it is not unusual for such an individual to feel the pulse beat inside the head. Leo's ruling planet, the Sun, has always been associated with the heart, back and spinal column and thus, also influences the spleen and vitality of the entire body.

Given that this Sign is characterized by growth, vitality and good health, Leo natives are customarily noted for their longevity and healthy lives. However, they must learn to slow down in later years in order to avoid the risk of heart attack. Individuals governed by this Sign enjoy the good life and eating well is a part of such enjoyment. In short, they like rich foods and fine wines. Fortunately, young Leo natives are likely to have a strong stomach and good circulation, coupled with the tendency to keep in shape because, by nature, they are inclined to be active individuals.

However, in time, such over-indulgent habits will invariably take their toll and it will be necessary for the Leo subject to learn how to eat correctly and cut down on fatty foods. In addition, being inherent leaders and commanders, Leo natives tend to burden themselves with much responsibility and work-related pressures. Thus, they are often so single-mindedly busy pursuing career objectives that it can be detrimental to their health.

To remain healthy, it is vital that the diet of those who fall within the jurisdiction of Leo be uniform, wholesome, sustaining and carefully watched. All spicy and/or stimulating foods and drinks should be avoided, coupled with the practice of temperate habits and harmonious surroundings...all of which are essential to the health and happiness of Leo natives.

Above all, they should guard against over-exertion and excitement. Everything should be undertaken in a quiet, calm and orderly fashion. The vital forces of the Leo body need to be kept under control since when its tone becomes lowered, colds and serious ailments are prone to result.

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