Monday, May 20, 2013

Facts about Leo Careers and Professions

Leo natives tend to succeed extremely well in any profession which allows them a platform from which they can pontificate. Being ruled by the Element of Fire, these individuals are very independent and resent being commanded or controlled in any manner.

They possess keen business instincts despite the fact that their judgment in important matters may occasionally be somewhat hasty. They do seem to be better fitted by nature to rule rather than be ruled. The placing of responsibility upon the shoulders of these individuals will cause them to display true worth and real executive ability.

By nature, Leo subjects are exceedingly independent and will often resent being commanded. They seem to exceed extraordinarily well as chemists or physicians. Due to their empathy and high ideals, they will easily attract and retain patients, whom they have the ability to inspire with gentle ministrations.

Some of the most skilled nurses in the world may be found under this Sign, including Jean H. Dunant of France, founder of The Red Cross.

Here are other things you need to know about Leo professions:

  • Leo individuals are born to direct, command, lead, impose justice, create, express and communicate. One of the missions in the life of a Leo individual is to teach others to work for personal ambitions and personal happiness. However, these natives are far better fitted for mental labor rather than the physical.
  • Those governed by Leo will be focused upon their work and make for excellent team leaders. Such individuals are likely to also be risk-takers (although usually not unless the odds are heavily stacked in their favor since they hate to lose and look bad) who desire the world and often get it.
  • As employees, Leo individuals will be most effective in promotion and sales. These are natural show people and will keep customers happy with their warm and sunny disposition. However, beneath the brave facade there normally lurks a secret fear that there is no true courage to be found. Nevertheless, despite this, Leo natives will persist with their extreme vanity and insufferable ego.
  • They are invaluable in a crisis and suddenly, to the surprise of everyone, will usually show themselves to be the steadiest of souls. Given the inherent fetish for authority, if those governed by this Sign cannot be the boss, then they must have a position where they can display their talents and abilities to the world in some fashion.
  • If the role of executive or leader is denied, then Leo subjects will be happiest as teachers or salesman, for example. They seek occupations which will allow them to impart their superior knowledge to others in some manner or permit them to stand in the bright spotlight of publicity. Leo individuals will work harder than anyone to keep a steady stream of compliments coming their way. Indeed, flattery tends to egg them on and bereft of same, they will perform to only half of their actual potential.

Here are Facts about Chinese Symbol for Leo

Chinese symbol for Leo is associated with the earthly branch symbol (.) represented by the monkey. The Monkey () is the ninth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.

To better understand Chinese symbol for Leo, we have to look at principles behind Chinese astrology.

It is based on the traditional astronomy and calendars. It does not calculate the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the time of birth. The Chinese zodiac of twelve animal sign represents twelve different types of personality

The animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself The combination of one's birth year, month, day and hour are a part of the 'four pillars' of Chinese astrology which determine one's fate.

According to Chinese zodiac, persons born within these date ranges for the zodiacal monkey bear the following elemental sign:
  • 20 February 1920 – 7 February 1921: Metal Monkey
  • 6 February 1932 – 25 January 1933: Water Monkey
  • 25 January 1944 – 12 February 1945: Wood Monkey
  • 12 February 1956 – 30 January 1957: Fire Monkey
  • 30 January 1968 – 16 February 1969: Earth Monkey
  • 16 February 1980 – 4 February 1981: Metal Monkey
  • 4 February 1992 – 22 January 1993: Water Monkey
  • 22 January 2004 – 8 February 2005: Wood Monkey
  • 8 February 2016 – 27 January 2017: Fire Monkey
  • 2028–2029: Earth Monkey
To sum it up, Chinese symbol for Leo (associated with the earthly branch symbol (.) is roughly equivalent to our western sign Leo.

Detailed Leo Chinese Symbol

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Facts about Leo Woman Personality

Leo Woman Personality

The Leo woman is usually blessed with an almost stately appearance and can achieve great elegance...although she is not necessarily interested in clothes as articles of fashion. This female possesses a rather regal air, a sympathetic disposition and excellent social qualities.

The woman ruled by Leo is a passionate soul who can easily be loyal and loving when in a secure relationship where she feels she is loved. However, she can become vindictive or bitter when she is scorned. Because this female has such high standards in so many spheres of life, other people rarely meet her expectations.

Still, this is not usually a source of worry to her unless the individual concerned is one with whom she is intimately involved.

Here are basic features of Leo Woman Personality

  • The Leo woman can show love, forgiveness and kindness to complete strangers or mere acquaintances and yet, may be critical and almost harsh to her loved ones if she feels they have failed her in some way.
  • As a sweetheart, this is a female who is proud, hard-to-get and expects much from any partner.
  • As a long-term mate, she has the ability to be self-sacrificing and totally unselfish.
  • As a mother, she tends to be overly conscientious on occasion, expecting the usual high standards from her children. Regardless, they will never lack for love or affection.
  • There is no doubt that the Leo woman expects a great deal of her family, but she is also prepared to give of her utmost in return.
  • With her aristocratic point of view and social graces, the female governed by Leo is a magnificent manager who is capable of running an elaborate home. She tends to attract people to herself and commands an immense amount of respect.

In essence, women ruled by Leo are truly the most loyal souls, whose entire lives are lived courtesy of their deeply emotional natures. This is a passionate, enduring and self-ascribing female who gives and feels and bestows and blesses. 

She will lavish attention upon her loved ones with an attitude that is lush and generous in the extreme.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

All about Taurus and Leo Love Match

Adjudging Taurus and Leo love match, I will say because there is so much mutual admiration between this pair, an infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted and could very well lead to a commitment of some longevity.

Looking at it, Taurus native may not be able to help but fall in love with Leo for the strength, warmth; generosity and bearing associated with this Sign are impressive indeed. The Leo native will have great admiration for effortless sophistication displayed by individuals who are governed by Taurus.

Perhaps the best aspect of Leo Taurus relationships is mutual admiration. Both individuals here possess exceedingly powerful personalities, so neither will be likely to dominate the other...regardless of how hard they might try. Let’s look at various Zodiac influences in Taurus and Leo love match:

Influence of the Ruling Planets

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus.

The Sun radiates warmth and light. Those it governs also radiate this type of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is concerned with love, beauty and luxury. Thus, this combination of masculine and feminine energies will aid both partners to admire and sustain one another.
The Sun is representative of life and Venus is representative of romance.

As long as each individual here is careful to understand the other, Taurus and Leo love match could be a positive one.

Influence of the Zodiac Elements

Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Taurus is governed by the element of Earth.

Hence, both partners will be ambitious, but in quite different ways. Leo yearns for fame and fortune...Taurus strives for security and stability in life and in love. Unfortunately, both Signs expect to assume the position of leader in a relationship and the tendency to battle for domination is likely.

Arguments can be fierce and epic between these two but provided each can be reassured that the relationship is important to his or her partner, and then things will progress more smoothly.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Here are Ways of Attracting a Leo

A sure way of attracting a Leo is to think, act and feel as young as possible. Leo individuals are most appreciative of youth and concepts of youthfulness. They are also great admirers of creativity and imagination.

The fact is, natives of Leo are drawn to pleasure and pleasant people, so it may be best for any mate not to plan activities with them if in a bad or negative mood, or not up to par in general.

Perhaps the most abhorrent trait to a native of Leo is the turning off of the spotlight when he or she is basking in its warm rays and this is something a potential mate must be careful to never do.

Here are other basic ways of attracting a Leo:

Express compliments

Perhaps the best technique to employ with Leo natives is praise since there is little else that those ruled by Leo appreciate more. While it is true that any potential partner may tire of looking for things to compliment about Leo, finding and voicing such flattering words will produce tremendous dividends.

Be Charming

Charming on the surface, men governed by Leo are tough underneath and potential mates will need to learn to get their own way via a charm that is equally as melting. Since Leo individuals are prone to judge themselves on what they have around them (hence their love of luxury), they can be somewhat appearance-conscious at times and may become overly critical of a partner's qualities, looks or talents.

Be strong in your self

Any potential mate must be personally strong in himself or herself to enhance the partnership...but also willing to step occasionally into Leo's shadow. This is a male who desires a partner of whom he can be proud and it will be necessary to find out what type of individual he admires most and then employ emulation, if necessary.

Be fascinating

To attract and keep a Leo, it will be necessary for any mate to pull out all the stops by bringing color, gaiety and glamour into this man's life. Indeed, he does love to be fascinated.

When it comes to long term commitments, Leo individuals are rather high maintenance partners. They require attention, nurturing and pampering in order for the relationship to thrive.

See Detailed ways of Attracting a Leo

All You Have To Know About Leo Love

To a Leo, love is a thing of luxury. His or her mate will receive an abundance of personal attention, lust and emotions. When in love, individuals ruled by this Sign are supremely supportive. Affections tend to grow stronger the more he or she feels that the chosen partner truly cares. In return, Leo will reward such a mate with true adoration.

Actually, the sexuality of those governed by Leo is as full of light and life as is their ruling Planet, the Sun. Generally, they are full of showmanship and expressive displays of attention. Leo natives enjoy the height of all feelings in life and physical pleasure is just another glorious filed to explore.

In essence, love with a Leo native is like no other love and once these persons decide to give their hearts, they also give every inch of their souls...and here lies the Leo vulnerability. If their trust is broken, they are almost certain to crumble. Again, Leo subjects base their own self-judgments on those they adore.

Here are others things you need to know about Leo love:

  • These are individuals who possess exotic tastes and ones who can be aggressive, passionate and encompassing in the romantic arena. It is important to remember that it is the love of life that inspires Leo natives and they can be wonderfully creative and experimental souls, particularly if they feel secure.
  • No sacrifice in the name of love is too great for Leo individuals but, once the loving has ceased, then any partner will need to beware since this Sign can be totally unforgiving when crossed.
  • This may sound rather terrible but in truth, it is not. Leo subjects are proud and sunny souls who radiate warmth and happiness, but they are often not sufficiently subtle to detect the presence of unhappiness in those who are close to them. In short, they frequently fail to realize that all is not well in a relationship.
  • Here, personal values provide much self-confidence, yet natives of Leo are continually disappointed in the actions and motives of others. This is why they are destined to be thwarted in love at least once. Still, Leo subjects are renowned for their ability to always come up fighting.
In a lasting union, these will be generous and expressive souls, provided such union is constantly stoked and fed. Failure to do this will result in the Leo fire sputtering and dying. If mistreated, it will flare and burn into something totally unpredictable but if maintained and tended, it will become life-giving warmth that is everlasting.

Hence, it is important to note that those governed by this Sign need to exercise much care and prudence in the selection of a long time mate since any misstep could result in a life of unhappiness.

They should be particularly cautioned against hasty commitments of a long term nature at a young age and in most instances, it would it would be advantageous for them if they not take this step until well-settled in life.

Any partner should be on an equal plane both socially and intellectually for longevity to be achieved.

Here are Notable Negative Side of Leo

The most negative side of Leo personality is likely to be indolence. Leo natives will revel in ease and luxury until they are forced into action either through necessity or due to their own self-imposed demands. In addition, these individuals may become very narrow-minded and bigoted, largely due to the fact that personal convictions are settled early in life and rarely become changed or modified at a later time.

The most abhorrent negative side of Leo is the drowning of the Leo individual in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and capacity for spiritual development. In such circumstances, it will be necessary for the Leo subject to endeavor to avoid the type of exaggeration which can debase the many gifts inherent in this Sign.

Here are other notable negative sides of Leo:

  • Leo natives are proud souls. Others may not always live up to the expectations of Leo individuals and thus, the life of a Leo subject is constantly subject to disappointments. They are continually disappointed in the actions and motives of others.
  • Leo subjects cannot tolerate for long those who would constantly or repeatedly attempt to upstage them and are certain to display defiance toward anyone who seriously threatens their right of rulership.
  • When natives of this Sign feel let down...and it usually takes a great deal...they either fall into an abyss of pain and depression, or become utterly cold and without feeling. If their trust is broken, they are almost certain to crumble.
  • Leo subjects can also be high-handed and when they fall victim to their own shortcomings, the result can be nothing less than disastrous. Also, these natives are easily flattered and often make the mistake of trusting false friends.
  • The type of love associated with those who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is that which embraces the whole of humanity yet; this can present a danger in that Leo individuals are prone to diffuse such love and are often blind to where it is most needed...frequently closer that these natives might think.
  • Leo individuals rarely display jealousy...rather; they tend to invite it, thus throwing the burden upon their critics.